This community in Coral Gables has not been able to use their community pool for 3 years due to a pool leak. The leak was caused either by the concrete surface caving in or the root system of the surrounding trees. Different methods are used in order to find the “root” cause of the leak.

During the water leak inspection, it was discovered that there was a leak from the main pool light and from the pool’s plumbing pipes. The association decided to upgrade the pool light to an automated Pentair multi color changing LED light. The pool leak detection also found a leak in the return line under the concrete pool deck. To resolve this issue, the concrete deck was cut in a section in order to access the pool’s return line. Under the concrete pool deck, it is filled with sand to accommodate the pool’s return lines. The sand acts as a support for the pool’s return lines and the concrete deck.

The pool leak led the sand to erode away slowly, this caused the concrete deck to sink in on one section of the pool deck and put extreme pressure on the return lines causing it to break. To resolve this issue, the concrete deck was cut in the section of the break to access the return lines. Furthermore, the section was refilled with sand, and the return line was reassembled with new flexible PVC pipes.

The water leaks were completely resolved. The next step was to tackle the concrete cracks inside the pool. The pool concrete surface was demolished in order to add a new layer and prepare it for the new resurfacing coat. Finally, the pool was resurfaced to a beautiful natural color Blue Quartz Diamond-Brite finish. The community was glad to have their beautiful pool back.